Geography and World Cultures

Class notes are uploaded after the lesson has been taught to all of my seventh grade classes. Active links are blue and are underlined.
European Geography
- Notes: Parts of a Good Map
- Notes: Latitude Zones
- Notes: Factors of Climate
- PowerPoint: Visuals for Europe: Land, Water, Natural Resources, and Climate
- PowerPoint: Visuals for Russia and the Eurasian Republics: Land, Water, Natural Resources, and Climate
- A Visual Tour of Europe – Source images to complete the activity
European Ancient History
Greece and Rome:
- Notes: Calculating Time
- Ancient Greece: Cornell Notes-6
- Athens v. Sparta – Concept attainment activity
- Persian War Notes
- Notes: Ancient Rome: Forms of Government
- Notes: Ancient Rome — Daily Life PowerPoint
- Rome – Concept attainment activity
European Geography, Modern History, and Contemporary Issues
Middle Ages:

- Video – Feudalism
- Feudalism Diagram
- Video - Guilds
- Notes: The Influence of Religion on Medieval Society
- Video – Cathedrals, Part One
- Video – Cathedrals, Part Two
- Video – NOVA: Building the Great Cathedrals
- PowerPoint: The Influence of Religion on Medieval Society
- Video - Crash Course History: Crusades
- Video - Black Death
- PowerPoint: Renaissance
Modern History and Contemporary Issues:
- PowerPoint: History of Russia/Soviet Union
- Notes: History of Russia
- Notes: Communist Theory of Karl Marx
- Review Notes: Russia - Some Key Points
- Notes: Market Economy v. Command Economy
- Cold War - Definition
- Notes: USSR Falls Apart
- Images: USSR Impact
- PowerPoint: Population Patterns of Europe, Russia, and Eurasia
Latin America
- PowerPoint: Physical Geography of Latin America
- Notes: Vertical Climate Zones
- Vertical Climate Zones - Visual
- Ancient Civilizations - Note Taking Packet
- Ancient Civilizations - Article: Cultures of Latin America
- Ancient Civilizations - Atlas of World History
- Ancient Civilizations - Textbook Excerpt: Western Hemisphere
- Ancient Civilizations - Textbook Excerpt: History Alive - Maya
- Ancient Civilizations - Textbook Excerpt: History Alive - Aztec
- Ancient Civilizations - Textbook Excerpt: History Alive - Inca
- Ancient Civilizations - Inquiry: What Makes a Complex Society Complex? (Student Documents)
- PowerPoint: Civilizations of the Americas
- Notes: Lost Kingdoms of the Maya
- Notes: Engineering an Empire: The Aztecs
- Class Notes on the Ancient Civilizations (These are basic notes; your notes to go beyond the basic facts; notes were scanned so you need to enlarge the view of the PDF to read more clearly )
- Notes: Columbus: The Four Voyages
The United States and Canada

- PowerPoint: Physical Geography of the USA and Canada
- USA/Canada Geo Notes (Population Patterns)
- Notes: History and Government
- Notes: How We Choose Our Leader Additional Notes