Geography and World Cultures
During the first week of school each student received a SS Guide and the HW Policy for GMS. Please read, discuss, and return the signed forms promptly. Once the signatures have been checked these forms will remain in the student's SS binder for the remainder of the year. Also, each student will complete and return a Student Information Sheet. The main purpose of this sheet is to provide me with contact info and to help me learn more about each student -- likes, dislikes, motivation, etc.
Please check your child's grade sheet for the most up-to-date grade. Also, please verify that grade using the HCPSS Parent Portal. Grades are updated on the HCPSS Parent Portal approximately three times a quarter.
Quizzes and tests will be announced approximately three to five days ahead of time. Students will be instructed to record the quiz/test date in their Agenda Book. The dates will also be posted on the dry-erase board located in my room and on this web page. Refer to the individual study guides for specific information.
- Up-dated items/dates are in bold lettering.
- Click on the globe icon for the study guide.
Students are required to return all quizzes and tests with a parent/guardian signature.
Back to School Night PowerPoint and 7th Grade Handout
Outline Maps
National Geographic’s MapMaker 1-Page Maps program allows you to customize one-page maps to download and print. Use the printed outline maps to study for your quizzes. Select the NGS logo for the web site.
Quarter 1
- The first quiz of the 2017-2018 school year will be given September 28 . The quiz will focus on the physical geography of Europe and Russia and the application of skills and processes as they relate to the study of geography. The study guide will be given out/posted approximately a week before the quiz date.
- The second quiz for Quarter 1 will be given 10/27 (New Date = 10/31) . The focus will be on Ancient Greece and reading timelines. There will be a binder check the day of the quiz.

- The test for Quarter 1 will be given 11/9 . The test will cover ALL objectives taught in the first quarter.

Quarter 2
- A mini-quiz on Rome and binder check will be on 11/30.
- A mini-quiz on the location of countries and regions of Europe, Eurasia, and Northern Asia will be given on 12/05 . Study your political map and use the sites below for practice.
- Interactive maps:
- Interactive map – Europe:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- The first quiz for Quarter 2 will be given 1/12. The focus of the quiz will be on the political divisions of Europe, Eurasia, and Northern Asia and the time period of the Middle Ages. There will be a binder check the day of the quiz.

- The test on Quarter 2 material (Modern Europe) will be given Feb. 7. There will also be a binder check on the same day.

Quarter 3
- A mini-quiz on the location of countries and capitals of Latin America will be given on 3/16 . Study your political map and use the sites below for practice.
- Interactive map of South America: puzzle.html
- Intearctive map South America:
- Interactive map of Central America:
- Interactive map of Central America:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- A quiz will be given 4/11 . The focus will be on the political divisions of Latin America, the physical features of Latin America, and the ancient civilizations of Latin America (Maya, Aztec, and Inca).

- The test on Quarter 3 material will be given. The test will cover all objectives taught in the Third Quarter. There will be a binder check the day(s) of the test.

Quarter 4
- A mini-quiz on the location of states/provinces/territories, capitals, and regions of the USA will be given . Study your political map and use the sites below for practice. Second mini-quiz on USA and Canda will be on .
- Interactive map game to help learn the states:
- Interactive map game to help learn the states:
- Interactive map game to learn about Canada:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- Map games:
- Song to review the capitals:
- The first quiz for Quarter 4 will be given . The focus will be on USA and Canada -- geography (political, physical, and economic), and population patterns.

- The test for Quarter 4 will be given . The test will cover all objectives taught in the fourth quarter. There will be a binder check the day(s) of the test.