United States History to 1877
Note: Active links are blue.
Items for the year:
- SS Grade Sheet
- SS Binder Requirements
- SS Binder Requirements GT
- Quarter Goal Sheet
- 8th Grade Incomplete/Missing Assignment Notice
- How Am I Doing? Tracking Quiz/Test Performance
- Guidelines for Studying History
- Writing Traits
Current Events: Enrichment Activity (TBA at a later date)
- News Analysis Sheet
- GT Current Events Activity: Quarter 1; Quarter 2; Quarter 3; Quarter 4
- Possible news sources include:
- CNN Student News - CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program designed for middle and high school classes. It is produced by the journalists and educators at CNN.
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Baltimore Sun
- US News and World Report
- Time
- Fox News
Unit I: The Historical Process and the Road to Independence
- GT Field Trip Assignment
- Due April 12, 2018
Crash Course Clips – American History:
Crash Course is a YouTube channel featuring short, fast-paced video lessons. Videos move very quickly making them entertaining overviews of a topic. Remember, this is one person’s perspective on history – think as you watch. Do you agree with the author’s viewpoint and/or his presentation of the topic?
- Episode One: The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards
- Episode Two: When is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America
- Episode Three: The Natives and the English
- Episode Four: The Quakers, the Dutch, and the Ladies
- Episode Five: The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening
- Episode Six: Taxes and Smuggling – Prelude to Revolution
Education Portal – American History:
View the video and take a brief quiz on the topic to check your understanding.
- Video: French and Indian War
Unit II: Forging a New Nation
The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights Links:
- National Archives - The Charters of Freedom Exhibit
- Bill of Rights Institute
- Library of Congress – Historical Documents
- Bill of Rights Song
- Bill of Rights Song - Lyrics
Crash Course Clips – American History:
Crash Course is a YouTube channel featuring short, fast-paced video lessons. Videos move very quickly making them entertaining overviews of a topic. Remember, this is one person’s perspective on history – think as you watch. Do you agree with the author’s viewpoint and/or his presentation of the topic?
- Episode Seven: Who Won the American Revolution?
- Episode Eight: The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism
- Episode Nine: Where U.S. Politics Came From
Unit III: Growth of the Nation
Linking the United States Constitution to Current Events: (TBA at a later date)
- Assigned: __________ Due date: __________
- Directions, rubric, and handout
- PowerPoint on formating
- Possible news sources include:
- Lewis and Clark:
- Zebulon Pike:
Crash Course Clips – American History:
Crash Course is a YouTube channel featuring short, fast-paced video lessons. Videos move very quickly making them entertaining overviews of a topic. Remember, this is one person’s perspective on history – think as you watch. Do you agree with the author’s viewpoint and/or his presentation of the topic?
- Episode Ten: Thomas Jefferson and His Democracy
- Episode Eleven: The War of 1812
- Episode Twelve: The Market Revolution
- Episode Thirteen: Slavery
- Episode Fourteen: The Age of Jackson
Unit IV: A Union in Disunion
Crash Course Clips – American History:
Crash Course is a YouTube channel featuring short, fast-paced video lessons. Videos move very quickly making them entertaining overviews of a topic. Remember, this is one person’s perspective on history – think as you watch. Do you agree with the author’s viewpoint and/or his presentation of the topic?
- Episode Fifteen: 19th Century Reforms
- Episode Sixteen: Women in the 19th Century
- Episode Seventeen: War and Expansion
- Episode Eighteen: The Election of 1860
- Episode Nineteen: Battles of the Civil War
- Episode Twenty: The Civil War, Part I
- Episode Twenty One: The Civil War, Part II