United States History to 1877

Class notes are uploaded after the lesson has been taught to all of my eighth grade classes. Active links are blue.
Unit I: The Historical Process
- PDF file, The Historical Process (definitions of terms)
- PDF file, PROP Method
- Word File, Sourcing – Level 1
- Word File, Argument Writing - One Paragraph Essay
- Word File, Argument Writing - Three Paragraph Essay
- Word File, Argument Writing - Five Paragraph Essay
- PDF file, Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
- Practice analyzing cartoons -- Click onto one of these sites for daily cartoons around the world. Word of caution: Editorial cartoons are PEOPLE'S OPINIONS! You may disagree with the author's message and maybe even be offended. Select your topics wisely and when in doubt follow the guidelines that your parents/guardians have established.
Unit I: The Road to Independence
- PDF file, American Colonization
- PowerPoint: American Colonization
- PowerPoint: Graphic Aids used with The Thirteen British Colonies activity
- PDF file, N. America 1754 and 1763 Maps
- PDF file, Taxation Without Representation
- PDF file, Boston Massacre to Bunker Hill
- PDF file, Moving Towards Independence
Unit II: Forging a New Nation
- Word file, American Revolutionary War: Preparations
- PDF file, American Revolutionary War: 1776-1783 (basic class notes)
- American Revolution: Chapter 6 Review Activity
- PDF file, Treaty of Paris of 1783 article
- Password for The American Revolution (chart with key terms, people, etc.)
- PDF file, Convention and Compromise: Anticipation Guide
- PDF file, Confederation to Constitution Chronology (Visual)
- Quiz 1 Chronology Review – Place the events in order
- PDF file, A New Plan of Government: Federalists versus Anti-Federalists
- PDF file, A Guide to the Bill of Rights
- PDF file, The Bill of Rights (typed notes)
Unit III: Growth of the Nation
- PDF file, The Election of 1800 (notes on T. Jefferson)
- PDF file, Marbury v. Madison
- PDF file, American Foreign Trade: 1800-1812
- PDF file, War of 1812
- PowerPoint: Growth and Expansion: c. 1790-1840 (just the visuals)
- PDF file, Growth and Expansion: c. 1790-1840 (class notes)
- PDF file, Sectionalism
- PDF file, Map Depicting the Monroe Doctrine
- PDF file, Maps Comparing the Election of 1824 to the Election of 1828
- PDF file, Evolution of the Major Political Parties
- PDF file, Web: Andrew Jackson
- PDF file, Trail of Tears
- PDF file, Elections of 1836, 1840, and 1844
Unit IV: A Union in Disunion
- PowerPoint: Independence for Texas and War with Mexico
- PDF file, Independence for Texas and War with Mexico (Sequence Chain)
- PDF file, The Spread of Slavery -- Maps depicting the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act
- PDF file, Major Compromises (1820, 1850, and 1854) student notes/activity
- PDF file, Era of Reform Notes: Odd pages are the topics and even pages are the answers
- PowerPoint: Cost of Freedom (introduction notes)
- PDF file, Cost of Freedom (document package)
- PDF file, The Road to Civil War
- Pdf file, Civil War notes
- PowerPoint: Reconstruction