Geography and World Cultures
Note: Active links are blue.
Items for the year:
- SS Grade Sheet
- SS Binder Requirements GT
- Quarter Goal Sheet
- 7th Grade Incomplete/Missing Assignment Notice
- How Am I Doing? Tracking Quiz/Test Performance
- Guidelines for Studying History
- Writing Traits
7th Grade Current Events
Possible news sources include:
- CNN Student News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program designed for middle and high school classes. It is produced by the journalists and educators at CNN.
- New York Times (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Washington Post (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Baltimore Sun (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- US News and World Report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Time (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- MSNBC (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Fox News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- ABC (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- CBS (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- NPR (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- USA Today (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Reuters (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Wall Street Journal (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- The Economist (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Quarter 1 News

Unit I: European Geography and Ancient History
Ancient Greece:
- (Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and lists of quick facts)
Alexander the Great:
Roman Empire:
Unit II: European Geography, Modern History, and Contemporar Issues
Middle Ages:
- Heraldry Game:
Black Death — On-Grade Level Activity:
- InfoPlease article:
- Final Product: Comic strip on-line generator – Chogger (Note: You do not need to register, but if you do then you can save and edit your strip at a later time; Note: 1. You will need to take a screen shot of your comic strip, 2. Open Word and then insert a picture [your screen shot], 3. Size your picture to fit your final product [6¼” X 10”]
- Final product: Comic strip templates – 4 panel 6 panel 8 panel
- Final Product: Acrostic templates – Black Death Bubonic Plague
- Final Product DIRECTIONS and RUBRIC
Conflict and Lingering Issues:
- BBC on the Cold War and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
- BBC site on the USSR
- BCC site on Kosovo
- BBC site on the conflict in Northern Ireland
- Europa site – Information concerning the European Union
Development Status of Selected Countries Based on Regions:
- CIA World Factbook - United States government publication on countries around the world
- United Nations Development Report - Human Development Index Ranking
- United Nations Development Report by Country - View statistical data by its country listing
- United Nations Development Report: Statistics- High, Medium, and Low Groupings
Focus on the Environment:
General Information, Data, and Maps:
CIA World Factbook - United States government publication on countries around the world
- United Nations Site for Kids - Compare data by country
- United Nations Development Report - Human Development Index Ranking
- U.S. Department of State - Government publication with country background notes and travel warnings
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Government site concerning health warnings for travelers
- National Geographic Society - Information and maps provided for most countries of the world
- National Geographic: Xpeditions Atlas - Make your own blank map
- Geography IQ - Information and maps provided for most countries of the world
- World Atlas - Information and maps provided for most countries of the world
- Altapedia - Information and maps provided for most countries of the world
- Oanda Corporation: The Currency Converter - Learn the value of a country's currency
- Fodors - Excellent travel guides available for most countries
- Lonely Planet - Excellent travel guides available for most countries
- CultureGrams - For customer number and password, see your research sticker in your agenda book
- The History Channel - Facts include information from the Expanded Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
- World Book Encyclopedia - For customer number and password, see your research sticker in your agenda book
- Info Please - Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and lists of quick facts.
- Sirs Researcher - For customer number and password, see your research sticker in your agenda book
- Gale Research Center Jr. - For customer number and password, see your research sticker in your agenda book
- NoodleBib - For customer number and password, see your research sticker in your agenda book
- NASA - Earth at Night images.
Unit III: Latin America
Ancient Civilizations
Culimanting Activity: (TBA)
- Ancient Civilizations Culimanting Activity Requirements and Rubric
All Ancient Civilizations:
- Access HCPSS Internet Online Databases (access through MackinVIA)
- Access HC Library Internet Online Databases – Click “research"
- Pratt Library – Sailor Research Databases
- AskJeeves for Kids
- The History Channel - Facts include information from the Expanded Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
- Info Please - Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and lists of quick facts.

- Amerigo Vespucci - Learn about for Whom America was Named
- Christopher Columbus Navigation Homepage
Unit IV: The United States and Canada
- NY Times Interactive Map
- Percentage Calculator
- HCPSS Databases and Links
- Scholastic Magazine: Immigration
- US Citizenship and Immigration Services
- Library of Congress - Select "American Memory" icon
- Library of Congress - Immigration: The Changing Face of America
- Population Reference Bureau
- Info Please - Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and lists of quick facts.
- The History Channel - Facts include information from the Expanded Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
- Ellis Island
- Angel Island
- Center for Educational Telecommunications - Ancestors in the Americas (A PBS series exploring the history and legacy of Asians in the Americas)
- PBS - The First Measured Century
- About.Com - American history page on immigration (additional sites listed)