8th Grade GT Research 2017-2018
- Research Paper Directions, Requirements, and Timeline
- Link to the Student Resource Course to Access the Databases and NoodleTools
- ABC Clio Article on Slavery-Word Doc (Read article and use one reading strategy (like highlighting) by 09/29)
- Link to NHD Sources
- Sample Citation, Annotation, and Notecard
- Secondary Sourcing Sheet
- The CRAAP Test Worksheet
- Research Notecard Checklist- Secondary
- Research Notecard Checklist - Primary
- Primary Source Analysis:
- Link to Other Sources Beyond the Databases
- Narrow Your Theme/Topic Organizer -- Remember you must have your topic approved by Ms. Apple. We will discuss/select topics on October 13
- PowerPoint on Thesis Statements
- Working Thesis -- Matching the Thesis to Evidence (Word Document)
-- You must hand in a printed copy either typed OR hand written
- Outline for Research Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Link to GAFE -- Create in GAFE so you can later copy and paste into rough draft -- MAKE A COPY THEN RENAME)
- Link to MLA Formatting and Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Using Transitions Effectively
- Historical Research Paper Evaluation (Scoring Tool)
- Sample Historical Paper
(use for formatting)
- Sample Annotated Bibliography
(use for formatting)
- Free Plagiarism Tool -- The Pensters (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Free Plagiarism Tool -- Plagium, Select Quick Search (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Free Plagiarism Tool -- Quetext (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Research Paper PEER Edit Checklist
- Research Paper Self Edit Checklist